ENGLISH ACCENTS- "Do you spik Ingrish?"

How many times have you heard such a question? And how many times did it sound slightly different?
 The truth is that there is an incredible and increasing variation in the regional accents of English all over the world not only in those areas where English is the first language (English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Australian, American, Canadian accents… ) but also in those other countries and regions where it is spoken as a second, official or foreign language (South African, Indian, Jamaican accent…)  Even within the same country there are strong local variations in different regions like Northern England, the Midlands, Southern England… or different towns like Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow… They all have their own and peculiar accent that would strike the ear of a native living in a different part of the country.

For example, let's have the same piece of text read with a British and an American accent:

British vs American English by rifordie

Each local accent has unique features as far as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary are concerned, but probably the most notorious are the differences in the pronunciation of certain sounds (especially vowels) and some endings and also in the patterns of intonation. Here we have some samples. The speakers are from Northern England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Varieties of English by rifordie

Did you notice the differences? Perhaps you need to listen to it more than once.

Sometimes regional and international English accents can be the perfect ground for a good parody specially for those natives with a good sense of humour and a flair to pick them up easily. Here's an excellent example:

Funny, isn't it? I had no idea there were so many different accents but if you come to think about it I'm pretty sure most of us could imagine something similar in our country with our Spanish local accents.

Now here's some additional information for my students on a topic we have been studying recently: basic differences between British English and American English.

PDF- British English and American English.

And this just in case any of you wants to know more about English accents in general:

English dialects.
English regional accents. 
Pronouncing dictionary.